Thursday, August 31, 2017

Creating a SIP 2 Server on Windows.

SIP2 is a protocol created and controlled by 3M

The Standard Interchange Protocol is a proprietary standard for communication between library computer systems and self-service circulation terminals. Although owned and controlled by 3M, the protocol is published and is widely used by other vendors. Version 2.0 of the protocol, known as "SIP2", is a de facto standard for library self-service applications.  This protocol will be eventually replaced with the NCIP Protocol.

This post will go though how to setup a SIP2 Server on Windows; even though setting up a SIP2 Server is relatively trivial, you need to have few things in place first before you add the SIP2 Service.

  • The server must have a connection with the ILS database.  The database we will be basing this off will be a Microsoft SQL Server.
  • An ACS profile setup for the SIP server to talk to (typically 6 characters but may vary depending on ILS)
  • You need Java Version 6 or better (I am using the latest version 8.144)
  • The SIP2 Installer Files and DLLs for your ILS
  • This will be based off Windows Server 2012 Essentials

Go to and launch the setupwin32.exe. In my case it is in C:\Users\$USERNAME\Documents\SIP Install Files\SIP1.4.108\

Install the setup I have is not for the latest version of the ILS I am working on but I do have the DLLs which I will replace in the BIN folder once the SIP Service Wrapper is installed.

Run through the installer.  All SIP connections should be saved to C:/sirsidynix/”Sip$PORT#_$name” NOTE: Make sure you make the directory first otherwise you will get an error!

Example: Sip$PORT#_hoopla

When finished go to and run modify/create the port run the setup.bat located in C:\sirsidynix\Sip$PORT#_$name\bin\setup.bat

Run the setupwin32.exe in my case C:\Users\$USERNAME\Documents\SIP Install Files\SIP1.4.108\

Install the setup for the latest version of your ILS and replace the DLL files for the latest version of your ILS; you may have to get them from your ILS Vendor.

SIP 2 Service Installer

SIP 2 Settings

Database: $DATABASE
Database Type: MS SQL Server
Database Username: $DBUSERNAME
Database Password: $DBPASSWORD
location: $LOCATION
ACS Profile: “Get the 6 character code you created or from an ILS Administrator”

Replace DLLs. with the dlls for your ILS

Start The Service.

Testing a SIP Service

To test the service on the sip server use the ACSTester.exe located in the bin directory.

click connect

type in localhost, $port (Port you just created probably something like 60xx)

Click Create Message

select “63 Patron Information” and click create message

In the patron Identifier type in “test” with no quotes and hit ok

click send message

You should see something like the screen above (unknown borrow barcode) if the test is successful.

ACS SIP2 Tester

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