This tutorial will go though how to restore a PFSense Configuration though the Command Line Interface (CLI). You will need a few things before we begin.
- A usb drive formatted as FAT32
- A backup of your PFSense Config File on the thumb drive.
plug your USB device into the system.
We see the device is da0, but we will run camcontrol with devlist to verify the USB Drive to do that we will need to enter shell mode by selecting option 8
Then we will run the command
camcontrol devlist
ls /dev/da0*
So we can see a single partition /dev/da0s1 so we need to mount it. To mount it we will need to make a folder to mount to. In this case I'm going to make a folder called bak
mkdir /media/bak
then using the following command to mount the usb drive to /media/bak
mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /media/bak
cd /media/bak
We find our pfsense backup file now we will copy it to /cf/conf/config.xml overwriting the default config file. If you so choose you can make a backup of the default config by first doing
cp /cf/conf/config.xml /cf/conf/config.bak
I am just going to overwrite the file. To do that I am going to run
cp /media/bak/mypfsensebackup-20220228051431.xml /cf/conf/config.xml
This will copy/paste the backup file into the /cf/conf directory and rename the file to config.xml overwriting the file that is currently there.
rm /tmp/config.cache
then select option 5 and reboot
Once you have rebooted your configuration should be applied if there were no issues or compatibility issues.