Friday, July 13, 2018

Setting up Android on Feronics MDM

I've been working on setting up android devices on an MDM. My organization has a Meraki subscription but it is quite pricey compared to using Google, or Deep Freeze. At first I tried to setup Google Admin for managing the devices but it requires to much manual input from users for applying updates. It also affects how BYOD acts when connected. My organization has a subscription to Deep Freeze Premium, which also looks like it has MDM capability. So after briefly doing some configuration on our Meraki MDM, we thought we would give the Deep Freeze MDM a try as it was only 1/3 the price of the Meraki MDM per device.

The Process for setting up the Google Apps with a third party EMM (Enterprise mobility management) is the same, whether it is Cisco Meraki or Faronics Deep Freeze.  You can view my Setup Video on my YouTube Page Here.  The setup for setting up the Deep Freeze MDM is pretty simple, but I had gone though some documentation from Cisco for their Meraki MDM which was really useful for understanding the process for the Deep Freeze MDM.

I highly recommend reading them.

Google Account Management

Managed Google Play eliminates the need for users to use personal Google accounts—it simply uses the same managed accounts that are used for Android enterprise.

If an organization happens to use G Suite, then the users will already have managed corporate Google accounts. For everyone else, EMM vendors can create managed Google Play accounts on the fly—they offer no personal customization, they’re there purely to facilitate application management.

Gsuite Account Management

You need a user account
Google Device Policy App

Setting up the managed play store is much simpler then with a GSUITE account especially with the lack of user account and the generic nature of the the Managed Play Store setup which is what we wanted.

Login to your Google Apps Account go to security

Scroll to Manage EMM Provider for Android

Click on Generate Token

Then login to your MDM provider.  Select your enrollment type (In this case I want Managed Play Store Account)

Click through and enroll.

And your android devices are now managed by your MDM (In my case Faronics)

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