Friday, March 03, 2017

Timed Lockscreen on Windows with Taskscheduler

Instead of using a screensaver to activate the lock screen you can use the user32.dll to lock your screen.

Open up Task Scheduler:  I called the task lockscreen.  See below.

On the Trigger I've selected idle.  I've set the task to repeat every 10 minutes.

Actions - Start an program. The path is C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe   Add the arguments: user32.dll, LockWorkStation

Conditions.  Start the task only if the computer is idle for how ever many minutes you want.  I selected 1 minute.

 Settings:  Configure any additional settings and be on your way.

How to fix CURL call imporitng an RSS feed on a site blocking CURL calls

There is a 3rd party service provider that my organization uses called bibliocommons.  They have these nice book carousels.  However the car...