Thursday, August 26, 2010

My take on the future on Edmonton City Centre Airport

I'm a tech geek, taxpayer, husband. I'm not a politician, aviation expert, or a person with any interest in the City Centre Airport.  I am however going to put in my 2 cents.  I read a very interesting post from Councilor Bryan Anderson on the fate of the City Centre Airport; I have also listed to several interviews on 630 Ched, and on CBC.  Needless to say there are vested interest on both sides of the debate.  I must give credit to the side that wants to close the airport.  Their information is easier to find and is less cryptic in my opinion.  Taking on twitter about the issue can be quite toxic, even though I did meet a few good tweeters I am glad I met, who give a very civilized debate about the Airport.  However the side that wants to keep the airport open some of the members seem to take offense if you say something they don't like which really doesn't help their argument.

My opinion of the City Centre Airport is, enough of the mickey mouse operations.  Either use it as an airport using it to it's fullest potential or get rid of it.  It is on prime real estate in Edmonton, and can easily be developed for the good of the city.  That being said having the airport can be handy but not how it is being used now with limited flight service.  Either maximize it's performance or get rid of it.  From what I've read and listened to it is an asset.  Like all assets either it performs or it doesn't.  If an asset doesn't perform you usually get rid of it.  It is about doing what's best for Edmonton now and in the future.


That's just my 2 cents.


Some interesting and informative links.


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