Friday, August 27, 2010

Google Voice Comes To Canada

Google Voice vs Skype vs

Yesterday in Canada for those of us who didn't have a Grande Central account got at small taste of Google Voice.  I love it.  Unlimited calling to anyone in Canada, and the US for free.  Now this is just the tip of the iceberg, the full featured Google Voice allows you to consolidate all your numbers into one number.  In the US you register for a number and you can forward any phone number you have to your Google voice number.  We don't have this in Canada yet but I am eagerly awaiting. 

I will be one of the first Canadians to get a Google Voice number when it becomes available, giving a much need competitive boost to the VOIP phone service here in Canada which is a RIP OFF in my opinion.  For instance if you order say Shaw phone service which is just VOIP phone service you pay 30.95 as a standalone service and you get everything Google voice is giving you for free minus the phone number right now but I believe that to be a regulatory problem (you know government it takes them forever to do anything).  Not only that Shaw is charging you 4 cents a minute for long distance when other VOIP services such as the one with Skype is about half the price, so yes we are being hosed because we can be. 

I made a call to the US last night and 3 calls to Calgary and it didn't cost me a penny and the voice quality was fantastic!  When I get a Google voice number I'll be getting a VOIP Phone adapter so my wife can use it as a phone with my Google Voice account.  I can't wait this is really exciting, this will change the whole game of telecommunications here in Canada if Google can hurry up and get here.  It will bring much need competition to the Canadian market that we have been missing since well ever!

There is no Android or iPhone app for Google Voice that I am aware of but if someone wants to send me one they can via twitter @trevortye or email me

VOIP Phone Adapter

Dlink USB Phone Adapter

Skype Phone Adapter

Skype Out Rate

Shaw Phone Details{3D11A5AF-C6EB-4FBF-B79D-3C30DF651A9C}&NRORIGINALURL=%2fen-ca%2fProductsServices%2fDigitalPhone%2fComparePlans%2f&NRCACHEHINT=Guest

To read the review of the US version of Google voice

Posted via email from The OptionKey Blog

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