Monday, August 23, 2010

The Infant Mortality Of USB3

The Infant Mortality of USB3

Light PeakUSB 3 introduced earlier this year has been hailed as the latest greatest thing to come to peripherals since USB 2. Unlike USB 2 it is not suppose to stuffer from the bandwidth and burst issues USB 2 has had where you can't get a consistent through put. That being said USB 3 is great to bad I don't think it will be around for long. Let me introduce you to Light Peak. Light Peak is intended as a single universal replacement for current buses such as SCSI, SATA, USB, FireWire, PCI Express and HDMI. Intended to remove some of the problems in the computer industry that are now apparent such as the limited transfer speeds and the maximum length of electrical cables (5 meters for a standard USB 2.0 cable).

Light Peak is due out in the 4th quarter of 2010 which is coming up right away, Light Peak has been demonstrated at 10 Gbps (with a theoretical 100 Gbps) where USB 3 maxes out at 5 Gbps. Intel claims that Light Peak is considered complimentary to USB 3, but it is very easy to see how this new standard would make USB 3 obsolete. There are also rumors of electrical to optical connectors, so you should be able to run your old peripherals using Light Peak.

Being an Intel Technology it is yet to be determined if this will become a universal standard, to promote the adoption of Light Peak Intel should forgo any licensing fees from competitors such as AMD.

I am very excited for light peak and am looking forward to seeing it on many different systems and hopefully universal adoption by all vendors.

Light Peak should be shipping on vendors machines sometime in 2011.




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Posted via email from The OptionKey Blog

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