Thursday, September 29, 2022

Information about Meraki Licensing

 When renewing your Cisco Meraki Licensing, it should be done within a few weeks.  I have gotten conflicting information from the sellers and the technical support at Meraki.  According to the Meraki support rep, the license is active from the date of the invoice.

Hello Trevor,

As a reminder, the license key is active from date of invoice complete which was xx/xx/2022. When the license is added to the organization it will have a license start date from xx/xx/2022. If the license is added as a renewal today, the co-termination date would be xxx xx, 2025 (the organization will absorb the current remaining 88 days). I would suggest to add the license as soon as possible.

You may always contact your Meraki Account Manager if you had any questions or concerns about your licensing or order; **** ****

Thank you again, 

Cisco Meraki Support

So if you apply the license where can you find your keys?  Well that can be found in the change log.  When you apply your license you can restore your old license by clicking on the undo arrow at the far right (shown below highlighted in yellow).

You will get a popup with a key you can add to update your license.  If however you miss or close the popup without getting your key you can get the key from the change log.  The key is labelled as an unclaimed license.

You will want to select the latest generated value as shown below

This is an ongoing issue here is a link to a reddit thread where someone had a similar issue.

How to fix clients overwriting other clients in Action 1

Action 1 is a great patch management system.  However one thing you should not do is add the action 1 client when imaging, the client should...