Friday, April 01, 2022

Whitelisting access to the Igloo Action Button

What is the Igloo action button?

The action button gives you access to administrative tools for each page and various features within the digital workplace. These tools allow you to edit the current page, view subscriptions, change access and much more.

Now for most users they don't need to see the action button, however if a user is given any permissions of edit and above, you get access to the action button which will allow you to customize the look of your page, add widgets, etc.

For my use case we wanted users to be able to add and edit posts but did not want them to be able to add widgets or make changes to the page.  Since Igloo lacks this kind of granular permission, the following Javascript will whitelist the action button according to who is logged in.

This is done using the property you can read when using SAML

Read more about the Igloo SAML variables.

<script type="text/javascript">


switch ({


document.getElementById('contentmenu').style.display = 'none';


case "Dylan Hunt":

document.getElementById('contentmenu').style.display = 'visible';


case "Beka Valentine":

document.getElementById('contentmenu').style.display = 'visible';


case "Shamus Harper":

document.getElementById('contentmenu').style.display = 'visible';


case "Trance Gemini":

document.getElementById('contentmenu').style.display = 'visible';





How to fix CURL call imporitng an RSS feed on a site blocking CURL calls

There is a 3rd party service provider that my organization uses called bibliocommons.  They have these nice book carousels.  However the car...