Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Photoshop ippcvm7.dll Error on Hyper-V

Downsizing systems can be hard but to make space virtualization is a great way to go, however sometimes you encounter issues when virtualizing.  For instance I needed to virtualize a machine that was running adobe creative cloud.  Now by default since I use different generation processors, I typically turn on processor compatibility.

However with Adobe Creative Cloud this causes an error that seems to be related to Intel SSE 4.2

The server running the VM is a E5-2680v4 which according to intel Ark, doesn't support the instruction set either.

However since this machine isn't going to be leaving this virtual server, if you uncheck the Processor Compatibility this enables the requirements for Photoshop and it is able to launch.

With the machine configured with 4 processors, and 16GB of RAM, the user didn't even notice the difference running the VM vs hardware as they were accessing the system with remote desktop.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Setting up Dynamic DNS with PFSense and GreenGeeks Web Hosting

One of the things I have been struggling to setup in the last few years was a reliable way of setting up my Domain DNS with my home internet connection.  My ISP (Telus) assigns dynamic IP address, which is typical for many home internet connections.  I was using ddns to handle my vpn url, however reciently I missed the renewal email and I hadn't bothered to set something new up.  I have a greengeeks webhosting account, and use PFSense as my home firewall/router so I decided to have a look at the settings and see what I can setup with the two of these.

The first thing you will want to do is setup the DNS on your GreenGeeks account.

1. Go to Dynamic DNS when you enter the CPANEL

2. Create a new entry

3. Fill Out all the relevant information.  So a good example for this might be where vpnconnect is the subdomain and is the domain selected.  You can manually enter in your ip from your firewall here I left mine blank and will be propagated once the URL is put into the PFSense Firewall.

Once Created.  Copy the Dynamic DNS URL, we will need to put it into our PFSense Firewall.

Login to PFSense go to Services -> Dynamic DNS

1. Setup Dynamic DNS

2. Press the + Add Button

3. Select the Service Type to "Custom" and both interfaces should be set to "WAN"

4. Enter in your username and password for your cpanel account.

5. Enter in the URL for updating your Dynamic DNS.  We copied the URL from our Dynamic DNS Settings in the CPANEL

Once you hit SAVE, the firewall should update and your IP will display in the webhost CPANEL and on your PFSense Firewall.  If the IP is green then everything is good, if it is red, then it is not working properly.

Using Powershell in Action1 to update RustDesk

Using Powershell in Action1 to update RustDesk This script can be used to install and update RustDesk using Action1.  Action1 is a wonderf...