Thursday, September 20, 2018

Setting windows server network binding/priority order

In Windows Server you can have multiple networks "VLANS" connected to your computer.  Windows will randomly setup the priority of your virtual networks which can cause a problem for you especially in a clustered hyper-v environment.  You can set the network priority of your virtual networks in two ways in server 2012R2 but is a little bit different in 2016.

In server 2012R2 go to network and sharing

Press the "ALT" Key and the advanced menu will be displayed.

Under advanced select "Advanced Settings"

You can then set the order of what networks get priority.  With the top most being the highest priority.

In Server 2016 this has changed a bit where you set the metric for the binding priority.

If your using Hyper-V you need to select the vEthernet interface -> Right Click and get properties -> Select Advanced TCP/IP Settings and deselect "automatic metric" and put a metric with the lower value gets the binding


Using Powershell in Action1 to update RustDesk

Using Powershell in Action1 to update RustDesk This script can be used to install and update RustDesk using Action1.  Action1 is a wonderf...