Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How to deploy a Printer with Active Directory and Group Policy

How to use Active Directory and Specifying Printers to Specific Workstations

I was handed a project that could easily of been fixed by a really long usb cable (50 - 100 ft) but for flexibility of the physical devices it was better to look at a network based solution for managing the printer.  However there are a couple caveats about the situation with the printer and the workstation requiring access.
  1. The network printer is on a completely different network then the workstation
  2. The workstation is on a managed domain
  3. We only want the one workstation to have access to the printer on the domain
  4. Power location is a problem
  5. Network location is a problem
The printer is on a network that is 172.31.x.x and has a IP reserved via PFSense firewall, the workstation is on a 192.168.x.x network on an Active Directory Domain that is assigned via DHCP and the network is controlled by a different PFSense firewall.

Now I realize that I could setup a route in the firewall to the printer allowing the domain account to access the printer, but to keep the complexity down on the firewalls (and that we would have to do a failover to make appropriate rule changes on our failover firewall) we decided not to add routes to the printer.  I did have a virtual machine (not on the domain but in a workgroup) which was being used as a print release station with software from Envisionware for print and release printing from public workstations.  The public workstations are just in a workgroup and on a 172.31.x.x network and our staff network is on a 192.168.x.x network.  Our staff however can remote into the print release workstation to release jobs etc so it seemed to be the most elegant solution.

Step 1 - Make sure your print server is prepped.

The printer we are using is an HP Black and White Small business laser printer so we going to use the universal HP driver so we need to download and extract the driver.  In this case C:/HP Universal Print Driver as shown below.  I'm going to use DNS for making the printer connection so the computer name in this case is Reference01.  We are going to call the shared printer a Human Understandable Name in this case CRC Printer

Once the printer is shared out we use the Additional Drivers feature to add our 32 and 64 bit drivers so when our clients connect they know what driver to use and if they don't have it it automatically installs it if they have the proper permissions.  

32 and 64 bit drivers ready to automatically install
So lets clarify things here.  We are defining our 172.31.x.x network as our "Public" network and our 192.168.x.x as our "Domain and Private" network.  We are going to use the Windows Firewall to restrict access to the Print server on two different networks.  Since we are using the Envisionware print release software we can block all RDP/SMB/Print Share ports on the Public Network.  We are not blocking the TCP/IP port we used for connecting to the network print nor are we blocking the Envisionware software which is usually installed on a randomized port.   On our Domain/Private Network we will require SMB/RDP/Print Share ports to be available.  We will need to add this Print Share to our Active Directory Print Server and add some GP powershell scripts and OU access via GP.  We need to first make our Domain OU for the The new printer and add appropriate firewall rules to restrict access/allow access.  On the Domain network I have all the typical printer sharing ports

STEP 2 - Setup your OUs and Group Policies

So as you can see in the image below I have a ROOT GP Policy, an OU called Group1 with a Group 1 GP and an OU called Workstation with a GP called LocalPrinter.  I have other GP settings which are applied on a global basis and I am using OUs to have a greater finite control of what Group Policies I want to apply which is why this policy is three levels down.  In this case the GP settings I want to have finite control over is the printer we just shared.  I only want this printer to show up on this workstation when the user login and remove it when they logout.  
Group Policy Management
So we put our Workstation (Public1) in the workstation OU, and we apply the following GP settings

User Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Scripts

Create Powershell Script in the Login/Logoff
When you get the properties of the logon script you want to select the powershell tab and hit add

Script Name: Add Workstation Printer

Script Parameter:
Add-Printer - ConnectionName \\Reference01\CRC Printer

Powershell Script for adding the printer in GP
and similarly we want to do the same thing to remove the printer from the user profile if they roam to another machine.  So the logoff powershell script is the same with the Remove Switch instead of the Add

Script Name: Remove Workstation Printer

Script Parameter:
Remove-Printer - ConnectionName \\Reference01\CRC Printer

STEP 3 - Add the Shared Printer to Active Directory Print Management

Now that we have our GP and OUs all setup we can move forward and add the printer to our AD Printer Management Server.  We want to add the Workstation Printer Server to work with our AD.  Right click on print management and select add/remove servers
Server 2012R2 AD Print Management

Add the shared printer from the Workstation
Browse to/find the workstation print server we want to apply to our uses Group Policy in the OU
Browse/Add the new workstation printer (Reference01)

List of Print Servers
Go to the print server (in this case "Reference") click on printers and select the printer you want to deploy
Deploy with Group Policy
The settings here I have applying Per Machine and Per User; then we select Browse to select the GP we want to deploy to.
Deploy with Group Policy Settings
Browse UI for finding GPO Name

Now with the GP deployed I find it helps to do a GPUPDATE then logoff and logon; on both the workstation and the Server.  If everything works as it should you should see this.

A successfully deployed printer

A successfully deployed printer via AD using OUs and GPs.  All users should have no problem connecting on that machine with the current GP settings we have setup unless you have other restrictions in your group policy.

STEP 4 - Test and Verify.

Always best practice to test and verify anything you do and works the way you expect.

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